Thursday, October 1, 2009

Google Wave - The Opportunities Are Tremendous

I just previewed Google Wave and the opportunities for extension & integration are tremendous. I am excited to see the apps from B2C developers (Lonely Planet already has a cool tool) while B2B SW companies have an awesome new platform / capability to integrate and extend their functionality (and value props) with.

Starting out, SAP and have developed two elegant apps for BPM and Customer Support respectively. The SAP BPM solution raises the bar on competing BPM designers and workflow tools, while the Salesforce Robot concept is very innovative.

There is tremendous value for B2B SW apps that require sequential tasks to now be done collaboratively in real-time. Once you add in voice integration and text transcription capabilities that Ribbit has developed, you can get a really differentiated solution (until the competition catches up). For example, if you need to design, review and iterate something, Google Wave now makes it possible to do the three steps at the same time. Off the top of my head, the following companies can (or will need to) leverage Google Wave like functionality to deliver an enhanced user experience:
  • iRise - application designs and interactions can now be developed and reviewed real-time with playback;
  • Pegasystems / Lombardi / etc. - SAP is raising the bar on collaborative process design. These BPM companies will need to match capabilities;
  • AutoDesk / PTC / Dessault - developing and reviewing engineering blueprints can now be done more interactively;
  • Adobe - real-time reviews of visual deliverables and copy will be tremendously valuable when the editors and reviewers can all work on the same information.
It will be interesting to see how Google Wave evolves and how B2B and B2C developers leverage the platform.

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